'Men's Health CSP analysis'


Media Language (e.g. conventions, narrative, genre etc.)

The colours they have used are traditional/stereotypical to males- black and blue. Also, the colours are bold, dominant and strong, so this parallels with how males are meant to be. Reinforces traditional gender roles. The cover lines are in capitals and the font is bold. This reflects how the magazine is aimed towards men, because the typography indicates macho and heavy. They have underlined words for emphasis, this communicates power, strengths and authority. The masthead to covered, depicting how the magazine is well-established. The long shot of the model is of Vin Diesel, a popular actor, enables audience how he is important for his physique. Direct mode of address used emphasises confidence. Also, the use of the plosives 'BLAST BODY FAT'-  indicates idea of being bestial/dominant. 'Gut Gone in 60 seconds'-intertextuality. Imperatives used to show authority. Vin Diesel- seen as an opinion leader. Brand identity- masthead functions as a logo. Mainstreamers engage more with action movies/football- Vin Diesel and Harry Kane- C2DE. MH is a lifestyle magazine-ABC1 . In terms of narrative, the Marathon Man page talks in a Q&A format which is more intriguing. The Editor's letter uses anecdotes and philosophy to give examples. The Marathon man- inspiration vs inadequacy, male insecurities are risen in the editors letter. The use of Todorov- cover lines are new equilibrium, Christmas seen as the disequilibrium. Propp, Vin Diesel- hero, MH is the donor. Genre- repetition, stereotypical colours, and behaviour. Difference- encourages men to talk about insecurities on social media.

Media Industries (e.g. Hearst Communications)

 Strong is desirable- the cover image of Vin Diesel- we can see his physique. A happy life starts with good body image/health. The only way to succeed in life is to look good. The demographics would be ABC1 or C2DE. Hearst communications is a media conglomerate meaning that it has a vast amount of influence over print/ digital media. They have more control over audiences because of larger distribution.- wider range of audience.

 Media Audiences (e.g. demographics, psychographics, pleasures)

The demographics would be ABC1- C2DE. The readership of ABC1 men is 643 and the readership of AB men is 321. The magazine suggests that the demographics for MH is Aspirers and Succeeders. This is because of the cover lines etc. Also, Mainstreamers and Explorers, the article on Harry Kane and the fact that Vin Diesel is an action movie star. Also, the price of this magazine is £4.10, which is quite expensive, so a middle class man could afford this.

Media Representations (e.g. masculinity)

The colour of the cover lines reinforces gender roles- blue is traditional for men. Cover lines use aggressive words-'blast', reboot', and 'slay'.- authoritative, bestial, strong and dominant. There is a focus on physique and body image-'build a six pack for life'. The cover line '#slaywinterblues'- subverts gender representations- encourages men to talk about their insecurities. The Marathon man article challenges ideas about traditional masculinity because the man is 69 years of age and is resilient and doesn't give up- new type of masculinity, because older and stronger makes you more masculine? The 'female gaze'- Vin Diesel is an objectified male, we can see his muscles etc. If the magazine was for females the cover lines would be much different. Stuart Hall's reception theory:
  • Preferred/Hegemonic: encourages men to change their lifestyle and live an active life- giving examples of other people such as the Marathon Man. Link to aspirers.
  • Negotiated: Encourages men to change their lifestyle and live healthy, but limits them to certain ways of getting fit. Only MH readers and could bring up male insecurities.
  • Oppositional/Counter hegemonic: The central image could emerge male insecurities, male men feel self-conscious about their body image. New and digital media has risen.

  • Front cover (cover line): 'BLAST BODY FAT': The use of the plosives depicts a harsh tone, and reflects hypermasculine qualities of men; aggressive, dominant, bestial and the bread-winner. The use of the imperative 'blast' highlights how men have to be aggressive and shows authority. 
  • Front cover: Vin Diesel: By using Vin Diesel the readers would be more inspired and encouraged to look like him. This is because he is a well established actor, who is in his 40s. Therefore, younger men may be inspired. The fact that all the cover lines around him, are deliberate to match his body image will bring in more readership. Diesel looks dominant and strong is his pose.- confidence.
  • Feature: The Marathon Man: This encourages and motivates the men to aspire to look and act like him when they are in their late 60s. This links to personal identity and relationships, because the readers would want to be as successful as him.

3) Three media theorist that I think are important to link with MH are
  1. Judith Butler- Gender is a performance: The blue is a stereotypical colour associated with boys and is socially constructed, therefore embedded in societies norms. Reinforces traditional gender roles. 
  2. David Gauntlett, masculinity is a 'crisis': The '#slaywinterblues' indicates a new approach to masculinity as it encourages men to talk about their insecurities. Platforms such as social media help these things. This has created liminal space. However, this has become more accepting so masculinity isn't in a crisis but there is a "decline in tradition", which Gauntlett sees as a positive thing.
  3. Steve Neale, Genre theory: Magazines use the same conventions to promote a certain ideologies. The cover lines and central image reinforces hegemonic masculinity.

4)  Three quotes from the booklet that I think are particularly useful for analysing Men's Health are:
  • "#SLAYWINTERBLUES"- This implies that masculinity is changing and becoming more flexible as men are bale to talk about their insecurities online. This links to the idea of being 'alone together' because they can create a network.
  • " BLASTBODYFAT"- The plosives highlight masculine traits. The imperatives. The idea that having a good body image will make you go far in life and be successful.
  • "Vin Diesel's Blueprint To Wage War On Flab"- Indicates how men are cold and aggressive. Shows kind of binary opposition, something you would see in Vin Diesel's action movies. 


  1. Thank you so much for this! Could you possibly make a Daily Mail one?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This was so helpful! Making this information into an essay style question would help too. But the information that was given was amazing!


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