Reading an image

The connotations of this advert is to promote that brand "Reebok". The character is more dominant, because its a large image of his face. This advert also shows a quote, which could suggest that its about inspiration and aimed at inspiring the younger generation.
The characters face is shown to show his dominance.- he is looking straight into the camera to engage with the audience. There is also an image showing fingerprints, so his identity is revealed.
Target audience
I believe that this advert is aimed at younger males- teens and youths, who are into sports. This is because the font of the writing is unorthodox, so its almost rebellious. This idea relates to the younger generation. It also shows the brand identity "Reebok". This brand is well known. The typography is serif. This is done to show how both the brand and the character are established and relevant.
The colours used in this advert are dark and dim, to signify that this is aimed at the younger male generation. The images are quite monochrome and de-saturated. These colours are also used to create a serious mood.
There are two large images which take up half of the page. The picture on the left is the character and the picture on the right is fingerprints. This is done on purpose because it shows what the quote says- his identity (looks and fingerprints).
Each image takes up half of the page- to show their dominance and relevance. Also the quote is at the top of the page, the slogan is in the centre and the brand identity is at the bottom. This is done to have a lasting impression of the brand to the person.
The images are large and take up the whole page. Whereas the quote is quite small and the slogan is large.
Type of shot
The picture of the character is a close up to show his facial expression and identity. The angle is from the front because they want top show his full face in order to reveal his full identity. Also, he is looking straight into the camera so is directly engaging with the audience- he wants to be seen by them.
Subject matter
The subject of the photograph is to show his identity and to show his authority and power. Therefore the character seems to appear more dominant.-just like the brand.
The photograph was taken indoors because the background is dark.
The lighting in this image is deliberate because it wants to create a serious mood. The atmosphere begins to feel cold and a little unsettling- this maybe because of his authority in the photograph and the colours used in the scene.
The person in the photograph is standing and looks a little bit angry and serious. This makes the target audience feel a bit tense, because he is too serious.
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