Brand values task 100-10-1 & Extension task


The Nike brand is very clever as it comes across as being culturally diverse and friendly, when in fact it is a global business which makes huge profits. Its brand values would be about quality, lifestyle and bringing about change. Nike could fit in with several of Dyer's lines of appeal: successful careers, rich and luxurious lifestyle as Nike is well established, elite people or experts due to Nike involved with sports, self-importance and pride and culture. Additionally, Nike's mission statement is to "bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world" This further implicates that Nike regards itself as a culturally diverse brand and inclusive of all kinds.

The Nike brand is about being seen globally as diverse.



Facebook is a free social networking site, which allows people to be connected to others from all around the world, for different purposes, such as work or just socialising. It allows people to make profiles in order to upload pictures, videos and contact friends or family, you could also catch up with people you haven't met for a long time, people from the past. Its brand values would be about connection and availability. Facebook could fit in with a few of Dyer's lines of appeal: Happy families- everyone would belong somewhere and stay in frequent contact with their loved ones at any time. Another one would be art, culture and history, purely because this site can allow you to locate people you have lost contact with in the past and catch up.

Facebook is about making the world more open and connected.



Coca-Cola is a drink available to everyone. It's brand values would be quality and being friendly. I believe this brand is very clever in the way it portrays itself purely based on their advertisement, they like to be seen as being a part of a family and comfort, when in fact they are a global business. The mission statement is 'to fresh the world in mind, body and spirit.', 'to inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions' and ' to create value and make a difference'. They also have values which portray how they think they act in the world: leadership, collaboration, integrity, accountability, passion, diversity and quality. Knowing this we know that the lines of appeal that fit in with this brand are: successful careers because they want to reflect their success on people, self importance and pride and happy families as they are inclusive of all people.

Coca-Cola is about creating quality with passion, promoting diversity.



Primark is a very popular store which has new, fashionable clothing sold at low prices. They also have a range of clothing, menswear, womenswear, children, beauty products and homeware. Its brand values would be affordable, variety and about being ethical. Primark could fit into several of Dyer's lines of appeal: rich, luxurious lifestyle this is because they sell clothing that look like it would be expensive when its actually affordable, nature and the natural world because they use green bags which have been recycled and the materials they use to make the products, and beautiful women, this is because they sell clothing which looks genuinely appealing.

Primark is about 'amazing fashion' at 'amazing prices'.



IKEA is a globally popular store, which sells a range homeware products at affordable prices. Its values would be about quality, optimism and having a personal touch. IKEA could fit in with several of Dyer's lines of appeal: rich, luxurious lifestyle due to their products being well furnished and at affordable prices and art, culture and history, this is because IKEA is global so is inclusive of all cultures. Their vison is "to create a better everyday life for the many people". Finally, self-importance and pride fits in with IKEA because they take their furnishings seriously and their employees have passion for selling and taking pride in the high standards of their products.

IKEA is about providing homeware for everyone.


Extension Task


'make natural, delicious and healthy drinks that help people live well and die old'

They have their brand values, they want to be..
  • natural
  • entrepreneurial
  • responsible
  • commercial
  • generous
Their takeover by Coca-Cola may be threatened because Coca-Cola are a sugary soft drink and don't promote the healthy lifestyle Innocent do. So maybe more people may start to lose their faith in Innocent drinks and the products they use in the drinks. Additionally, due to Coca-Cola being more known, people may start to ignore Innocent drinks and the influence of buying more Coca-Cola will increase, which jeopardises Innocent's brand values.

In my opinion, the image of the brand changes to a significant extent. This is purely based on the fact that Innocent will always be promoting a different type of product from Coca-Cola even if they do own it. Additionally, their won't be competition between the type of two drinks because Innocent is a healthy drink whereas Coca-Cola is a sugary soft drink. Therefore, people don't need to pick between the two and both brands will always reflect their values through their products.


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